Posts tagged ‘Olympics’

Let the Games Begin!

What’s your favorite part of the Summer Olympics? The pageantry of the opening ceremony? Swimming and diving? Gymnastics? Boxing? Fencing? Beach volleyball? (I won’t tell your wife!) Or maybe your favorite is my favorite…track and field.

The official song chosen for the 2012 Summer Games is “Survival” by Muse. Some of the lyrics say:

Race, life’s a race

And I am gonna win

Yes, I am gonna win

Life does seem that way, doesn’t it. It’s not a sprint but a long distance race. There are times to speed up and times to jog. Oh, and the race can get strategic, too. When do you make your move to get little ahead? But, above all, you must endure to finish.

And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Hebrews 12

In the Bible racing is used as an analogy for living life. It’s not winning that is so important. After all, in a race there’s only one person who crosses the finish line first, only one gold medal. What’s important is finishing, persisting to the end. You do so by keeping your eyes on Jesus. Looking to him, you’ll discover the faith and desire and resolution to finish.

How’s your race going? Are you feeling the energy? Or, are your legs heavy today? Just try to keep moving, the objective is to endure. If you get to feeling like you can’t go on, look up…keep your eyes on Jesus.

Here’s the official Muse song  “Survival” Olympic athlete montage

***Coverage of the 2012 Summer Olympics begins tonight at 7:30 p.m. on NBC

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