Posts tagged ‘drugs’

The Times They’re A-Changin’

Okay. You hate the life you’re living. You can’t believe you’ve allowed yourself to fall this far. The shape you’re in, the things you’re doing. They’re disgusting to you, it’s beyond your imagination what other people might think if they really knew you. The drugs, the alcohol, the sex. Or, maybe for you, it’s the lying, the stealing, the lost relationships, a secret life. You. Hate. Living. Like. This.

The good news is: You can change!

A long time ago God threw you a rope, you just haven’t grabbed ahold yet. See, God isn’t shocked by you, he isn’t shocked by your behavior no matter how bad it is. Why should he be. He knew everything about you when he invited you into relationship with him. Yes, he’s already invited you to be a part of his family. He wants to help you.

I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. Ezekiel 36

If you pray, will God just miraculously heal you? He could, but that’s usually not how he works. However, if you’ll link yourself to him, if you’ll turn your life over to him, he’ll lead you in the right direction. To a friend who cares, to a church that will help, to a family member who’s been reaching out. To whoever and whatever you need to get back to real life. This is what God does, it’s what he’s all about.

The good news? You can change. Start right this minute.

70 x 7 = 490+++

There is still a lot of news about the NFL draft and which player was taken where and by what team. Most sports analysts were shocked that West Virginia’s Bruce Irvin was taken in the first round. He was projected as a No. 50 pick and he was taken No. 15! But there’s more…here’s a guy who five years ago was arrested for breaking into a drug dealer’s house and spent two weeks in prison. Then, three months ago he was accused of knocking a magnetic sign off the top of a food delivery car and was arrested again. He dropped out of high school; his mom threw him out of her home. People are just shocked that the Seattle Seahawks are giving him another chance. How many chances do you think this guy should get?

Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven! Matthew 18

You would expect the Bible to have a set number. Hmmm, maybe five chances, no, three, and after that…THAT’S IT! One of his disciples asked Jesus: “How often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” Did Jesus say, yeah, that’s about right? NO! Shockingly, Jesus says, “No, not seven times. but seventy times seven!” And, that wasn’t even a specific number, he was saying as long as the person is sincerely asking, there is no limit! Notice, too, he doesn’t put a restriction on what sins can be forgiven. Any and all can.

Have you ever thought: I could never be forgiven for all the horrible sins I’ve committed There are just too many. Reread paragraph #2…it’s all true.


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