Is It 5 O’Clock Yet?!!

I found a great website that offers a quiz titled “What Country Song Are You?” You answer 10 questions and it tells you which of six country songs is most like your personality. I couldn’t resist, of course. I’m a little embarrassed (just slightly) to admit my song is “It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere.” I do like the song….

Some people hate country music, some love it, some like parts of it. But, what about country music appeals to people? It might be that there’re lot of country songs written about life. Real life. Heartache, losing a job, being an alcoholic, abuse, and love, family, marriage. It’s those songs that move you to like a country song. It’s real life. You identify with that.

The Bible is called the Good Book, but I’ve got news for you, it’s very much about real life. When you read through the pages of the Good Book, you’ll read about deception, lust, lying, adultery, rape, murder, and also compassion, love, friendship, devotion. That’s right. Some of the people in the Bible you might identify most with are ones who were certainly not perfect. How about David, of whom it was said he was a man after God’s own heart. However, he was also an adulterer and a murderer. He was a real person.

Do you like country music? Maybe so, maybe not. But, in all music and literature, you’re drawn to people who are real because you can identify with what they’re going through. Check out the people in the Bible. You might end up identifying with them. And, that might be a good thing. Yikes! Gotta go, it’s almost 5 o’clock!

For the word of God is alive and powerful. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires. Hebrews 4

Take the “What Country Song Are You?” quiz.






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